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Implementing Effective Legionella Control Measures

Legionnaires’ disease is a severe form of pneumonia that can have devastating consequences if contracted. It is caused by the Legionella bacteria, which can thrive in water systems if proper control measures are not implemented. While testing for Legionella is essential, it only provides a snapshot of the risk at a given time. To effectively prevent this potentially fatal illness, facilities need to adopt ongoing, proactive strategies to minimise Legionella risks and safeguard occupants.

We go beyond periodic testing to help clients implement comprehensive Legionella prevention programs. Our hands-on approach covers all aspects of effective water safety management, from conducting thorough risk assessments to implementing tailored control measures and monitoring protocols. By partnering with us, you can create an environment that is inhospitable to Legionella growth, ensuring the safety of your facility and its occupants.

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Essential Control Measures

Facility-wide water management plans are crucial for reducing Legionella risks. These plans should incorporate a range of control measures, including:

Tailored Solutions for Your Facility

We understand that every facility is unique, with its own set of risks and challenges. Through our extensive industry experience, we have developed customised Legionella control programs tailored to safeguard water systems in various types of facilities. Our Water Safety Plans are designed to provide prevention strategies focused on your facility’s specific risks and requirements.

Our Comprehensive Services

We specialise in offering tailored Legionella prevention services to address the unique challenges faced by different industries, ensuring compliance with stringent UK government regulations. Our comprehensive solutions include:

Our Legionella Control Process

We follow a structured approach to ensure comprehensive Legionella control measures are in place for your facility. Our process includes:

By working with us, you gain:

We understand the importance of safeguarding facilities and their occupants from the potentially devastating effects of Legionnaires’ disease. Our comprehensive approach to Legionella prevention aims to create a safe environment by implementing effective control measures, ongoing monitoring, and prompt response protocols. Partner with us to ensure the highest level of protection against Legionella risks in your facility.

Safeguarding Your Facility

We understand the importance of safeguarding facilities and their occupants from the potentially devastating effects of Legionnaires’ disease. Our comprehensive approach to Legionella prevention aims to create a safe environment by implementing effective control measures, ongoing monitoring, and prompt response protocols. Partner with us to ensure the highest level of protection against Legionella risks in your facility.